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Christmas Tree Care Instructions


Keep your tree outdoors standing in a container of water sheltered from the wind and sun until you are ready to bring it inside. This will help the tree retain its moisture. 


When ready to bring inside, immediately put your tree in the stand and fill it with water.


Remember, trees are very thirsty! They may drink between 0.5 and 2 litres of water everyday. Always use a water holding stand with a capacity of 1 to 2 litres. Check the stand daily and fill with fresh water as needed. Stands are available to buy from the barn when you come to visit.


Please keep your tree away from hot sources of heat, open fires, log burners and radiators. This can cause the tree to dry out and make the needles drop or worse your tree may catch on fire. Recycle your tree! Please dispose of your tree thoughtfully. Find out about local recycling schemes near you.


Watch the care instructions below for more information.


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